Project setup

Step 1: Install tools

  1. Install JDK (1.5 or greater)
    1. Set environment variable JAVA_HOME to point to your JDK home directory.
  2. Install Maven 2.0.x
    1. Add the maven/bin directory to your PATH
    2. Edit maven/conf/settings.xml
      • Set localRepository to a directory that path that doesn't contain spaces. For example c:/maven-repo.
  3. Install a subversion client, for example Tortoise SVN.

Step 2: Download WbWiki project

svn checkout

Step 3: Add some stuff to your maven repository

Copy everything under wbwiki/trunk/repo to your maven repository (for example c:/maven-repo, depending on what you wrote in maven/conf/settings.xml)

NOTE: this is ugly, but the simplest solution I could find. I first tried to set up an internal repository at, but there were some problems. The stuff we use that isn't in the default repo is:

  • gwt-maven-plugin
  • maven-war-plugin 2.0
    • default repo only contains 1.x. We need 2.0 since targetPath doesn't work in 1.0. See pom.xml for details.
  • GWT jars: gwt-user, gwt-servlet, gwt-dev-windows

Step 3: Build & run

  1. Open a console in wbwiki/trunk
  2. mvn jetty:run-war
  3. Surf to http://localhost:8080/wbwiki/

If everything is fine you should now see a working, running Whiteboard Wiki!

Step 4: IDE setup


To simplify life, the WbWiki project includes Eclipse project files. So you should just be able to import the project. The project does use a couple of plugins though.

  1. Start Eclipse
  2. Install the following plugins (Help => Software Updates => Find and Install)
    • Spring IDE for Eclipse:
    • Subclipse (subversion plugin):
  3. Import the WbWiki project
    • Open the menu item File => Import
    • Select "General / Existing projects into workspace"
    • Select the WbWiki project directory
    • Run "WbWiki" (there should be an existing run configuration named "WbWiki")

If everything is fine you should now see a running WbWiki (using GWT development shell).


mvn idea:idea

... and hope for the best. Haven't tried it myself.