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1   package crisp.wbwiki.client;
3   import;
5   public class ClientStateManager {
6   	/** The last page version loaded from the server */
7   	private Page lastLoadedPage = null;
8   	private final WikiServiceAsync wikiService;
9   	private static boolean loggingEnabled = true;
12  	public ClientStateManager(final WikiServiceAsync wikiService) {
13  		this.wikiService = wikiService;
14  	}
16  	public void synchronizeWithServer(final WikiGui gui) {
17  		String currentContent = gui.getCurrentContent();
19  		final Integer lastLoadedVersion;
20  		final String contentToSendToServer;
21  		if (lastLoadedPage == null) {
22  			lastLoadedVersion = null;
23  			contentToSendToServer = null;
24  		} else {
25  			lastLoadedVersion = new Integer(lastLoadedPage.getVersion());
26  			if (lastLoadedPage.getContent().equals(currentContent)) {
27  				contentToSendToServer = null;
28  			} else {
29  				log(gui, "Content has changed!\nold: '" + lastLoadedPage.getContent() + "'\nnew: '" + currentContent + "'");
30  				contentToSendToServer = currentContent;
31  			}
32  		}
33  		log(gui, "Calling synchronize(" + lastLoadedVersion + ", " + contentToSendToServer + ")");
34  		wikiService.synchronize(
35  				lastLoadedVersion, 
36  				contentToSendToServer, 
37  				new AsyncCallback() {
38  					public void onFailure(Throwable err) {
39  						//TODO error handling
40  						err.printStackTrace();
41  					}
42  					public void onSuccess(Object response) {
43  						Page updatedPage = (Page) response;
44  						log(gui, "Received response: " + updatedPage);
45  						if (updatedPage == null) {
46  							//The server didn't feel any need to give me an updated page							
47  							if (contentToSendToServer == null) {
48  								//I didn't send any content to the server,
49  								//so nothing has changed by me or anybody else.
50  								//So we do nothing.
51  							} else {
52  								//Nothing has changed on the server side,
53  								//but I sent new content so the version number was updated.
54  								lastLoadedPage = new Page(
55  										lastLoadedPage.getVersion() + 1,
56  										contentToSendToServer
57  										);
58  							}	
59  						} else {
60  							//I received an updated page from the server,
61  							//so someone else has been changing the page!
62  							//Need to update my state.
63  							lastLoadedPage = updatedPage;
64  							gui.setCurrentContent(updatedPage.getContent());
65  						}
66  					}			
67  				}
68  		);
69  	}
71  	void log(WikiGui gui, String logEntry) {
72  		if (loggingEnabled) {
73  			gui.log(logEntry);
74  		}
75  	}
77  }